Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Nowhere to Hide

We all exist in the same world so I often wonder why some of us see it and some don't. I mean, things are happening in the world right now that defy logic and rationality. One would have to live in a big, thick bubble to be oblivious to the major events taking place as I write. But trying to explain to most people that life as we know it may soon be changing is like talking to a brick wall.  The proverbial fly on the wall would be more receptive.

One major development is the BP oil spill off the shores of the U.S. gulf coast. There have been plenty of YouTube videos put up about this major disaster and most are quite fascinating. There is talk of lethal gases being leaked into the air, mixed into the water and evaporating into the atmosphere. The toxic oil has been recycled into the ecosystem and is falling as dangerous oil rain, ruining crops and endangering lives. The massive drilling and other attempts at repairing the problem have only made things worse, resulting in possible chemically-saturated hurricanes and unheard of tsunamis. It isn’t being discussed on mainstream media, but I believe that is only because the government is trying to prevent panic. You may say these are simply alarmist videos which fall into the same category as conspiracy theories, but if you think about it realistically, they make perfect sense.

Someone pointed out this interesting play on letters: OIL RAIN = IRAN OIL. If we understand that G-d rules the world mida k’neged mida, meting out judgments measure for measure, it is clear that the American lust for OIL from IRAN is so great that it has now been bestowed upon them with equal magnitude as OIL RAIN.

While all of this may appear to be a natural occurrence, make no mistake... it is all from the Hand of G-d. The Master of the Universe is giving those who believe in him ample opportunities to take the hint and return 'Home', or at the very least, return to Him spiritually; heart and soul. To those who refuse to accept the concept of a Supreme Power, doesn't this scientific incident scare the heck out of you? How many natural disasters and other catastrophies will it take?  It brings to mind an old movie with the catchy quote: "Where you gonna go, where you gonna run, where you gonna hide? Nowhere... 'cause there's no one like you left."

My family and I live in Israel and, as Rabbi Lazer Brody pointed out, enemy missiles are now aimed at every square inch of our land. The potential scenarios are unimaginable to put it gently. If not for the firm belief that HaShem will protect us, and that He does only what is best (emuna), I would be at my wits end right now. But I will never fear because I know that I can call out to HaShem and He will be right there for us. That is what He wants from His children. Why don't you try it?  Your life may depend on it.

Ein Od Milvado! There is nothing but HIM!

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