The Parsha for this week - Ki Teitzei
This World, The Next World, and Your Socks

The end was drawing
near. Mr Wolf Lazerson, one
of the richest Jews in the country was on
his death bed
with all his children surrounding him. "I have two last
requests to make," he said in a weak voice. "The first is
that you do not read my
will until the shloshim, and the
second is
that you bury me with my
socks on"
"But Dad," his
son protested "halacha doesn't allow
such a thing." "I don't care," Wolf said "that's what I want."
No amount
of convincing was going to change his
He insisted on keeping the socks on, and that was that.
children were disturbed knowing that their
father insisted on doing
something that he himself knew was contrary
to halacha.
A few days later, the father was niftar and the children consulted a poseik
A few days later, the father was niftar and the children consulted a poseik
who told them that their father's wish must
be ignored and so he was buried
without his socks. At the shloshim, they opened his will.
"My dear Children,"
they read, "I left you a lot of money and a
large estate.I wanted you to realize
before dividing it up that in the end you can't take any of it with you
- not even your socks. love, Dad." and as Rabbi Dovid Kaplan concluded,
a story like this can really knock your socks off.
In this weeks sedra, it
says "VeLo takim lecha matzeva asher saneh
Elokecha" "and you shall not
make for yourselves a pillar..."
It is brought down in
Pirkei Avot, this world is compared to a corridor leading
up to the world to come. Fix yourselves
in the corridor so you can enter the
Banquet Hall. A person needs to be constantly aware
that this world is fleeting
and temporal. One must utilize all his worldly dealings and all his
necessities as a preparation for the service of G-d, for the
world to come.
often refer to "worldly pleasures" as "lecha" (literally
"for yourselves")
Kedushas HaLevi teaches us that the Torah is saying "VeLo takim lecha matzeva..."
and you shall not make the
"Lecha" a pillar. In other words, you shall not make
worldly pleasures into a pillar,
i.e., into that which is strong, sturdy and
everlasting, but rather, only as preparation for the
world to come.
May we merit to utilize all that Hashem gives us leTova.
- Awesome for the
Shabbos Table!